National Diploma:
Viticulture, NQF 5

SAQA ID: 49010, 240 Credits

Ideal for Junior Farm Managers, Crop Growers and Viticulturalists

This qualification focuses on the application and management of operational viticulture.
The qualification enables the student to act as a junior farm manager, or follow a career within the agricultural industry, or manage other relevant branches within agricultural practices in viticulture and production.


The National Diploma will equip students with focused technical and management knowledge and skills in the viticulture industry in Southern Africa. During studies, the student will need to focus on specialist subjects to work in a junior management position within the viticulture industry. Additional course content, designed by key industry players, is included to ensure students are exposed to the latest management techniques within industry development. The curriculum also focuses on management practices within an environment of sustainable production.
After successfully completing the National Diploma in Viticulture, students can enroll for a Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture in the same field.


National Certificate on NQF 4
National Senior Certificate (Grade 12)


24 months


The National Diploma in Viticulture is offered as an exciting, blended presentation through e-learning, or attending classes as an extracurricular – or full-time resident student of VAMF.

Language policy

The official academic language is English, but the online Agri-pedia e-Learning platform has translation options into Afrikaans and many other indigenous and international languages.

Semesters and Class Times

The VAMF coincides with the official school and university semesters, vacations and public holidays.
Class times during normal working days last from 08H00 to 13H00 and 14H00 to 17H00